If you in addition completely lawfully want to earn some thousand or tens thousand US $ per one month, not departing from a place where there is your computer this system for you. The concrete sum will depend only on time which you will force your computer to search E-mails and to send on them the given letter. If dispatch -mail is unacceptable for you, you simply may give the announcement on free-of-charge boards in an automatic mode. In such a way also it is possible to earn considerable money. You are completely independent of somebody and keep thus (if so it will be necessary for you) anonymity, investing on start only 5 or (at your choice) 20 US $ (which, besides, will be paid back literally in some days), keeping at all it pure conscience. You never should deceive the PYRAMID of anybody is NOT is similar or Herbalife - everyone who really works without operation by "Top" which here simply are not present here are enriched.
This program really operates. I live not in America, and in Russia and all over again I was afraid, was not sure, whether really it operates, that is why, did not concern to this seriously. And has then told itself: " And why is not present? ". Has created a purse, has filled up it, and has made translation, having ordered itself four Instructions. During 5 days has received all of them on e-mail. Longley it was necessary to wait for the Instruction 4. But it and is clear, you see at the seller of it, last level, thousand orders. All has made precisely under the Instruction to be sure if this business will not earn it not the reason of my mistake and waited. I have closely read all received Instructions and when has learned how it is necessary to do all, began the business. I searched for addresses everywhere and have made to myself the long list (it was really interesting to me, it was as a new hobby, and I might not lose anything) as abnormal I began to send e-mail to people in whole light. I made it constantly, and each day supervised the purse. Approximately in day there have begun to come orders. Till now I remember that moment when has found out the first order. Some time I simply stood and might not move: "It works! This piece has earned its mother so! " . I am sorry for expression, but I was very happy, and the beginnings to send even more e-mail, the strongest stimulus to work have appeared. Next day - an empty box and again I have thought that it will not work, but appeared on the contrary. Next day I have received 3 orders, at the same moment I have sent people of their Instruction that quickly too might earn money (for itself and for me). Each day I sat approximately 30 minutes at the computer and sent orders. During two weeks I have received 29 orders for the Instruction *1. Then orders began to come more often and faster, I received each week about hundred orders, money all acted on my account. As a whole I have earned about 64.000 $USD. It WAS not POSSIBLE TO BELIEVE in IT! The last week I have bought to myself a new wheelbarrow and it due to the program. If and now you do not know what to do (make), so I speak you TRY and will not regret. It is your chance if it misses so will regret about it up to the end of life! N. Rebrov, Russia.

And now we shall return to the ESSENCE of an affair. In what offered WORK consists? You ONCE buy 4 Instructions (one more - "zero" has got to you free-of-charge is the present letter) on this activity - to multilevel network marketing (Multi-Level-Marketing) in the Internet in an electronic kind (on 5 US $ for everyone) from 4 different people - your predecessors on an information chain. Then you ANY number of times sell these Instructions to all wishing Internet users.

Before that how to decide, want it to be engaged whether or not, read the following facts about this program - you: 1. SELL the PRODUCT, WHICH MANUFACTURE to YOU it IS POSSIBLE! 2. SELL the PRODUCT, WHICH TRANSPORTATION to YOU it IS POSSIBLE! 3. SELL the PRODUCT, WHICH ADVERTISING to YOU it IS POSSIBLE! 4. USE FORCE of the INTERNET and MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING! 5. YOUR UNIQUE CONTRIBUTION, EXCEPT FOR the INITIAL INVESTMENT in 20 US $ IS ONLY YOUR TIME (both personal, and connections to the Internet)! 6. ALL EARNINGS WHICH YOU RECEIVE, IS NET PROFIT! 7. THIS PROGRAM FOR EVER WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

, THAT, PARTICULARLY, it wills BE NECESSARY for YOU TO MAKE (the INSTRUCTION *0): 1. To load last version (not less, than 2) programs WebMoney keeper on a site http://www.webmoney.ru/. To install it. In the same place you will find the description of work with purses and the information on this system of payments.

2. To fill up the Z a purse 20 US $ (or all over again only 5 US $). If in your city there is no representation WebMoney, and banks refuse to carry out translations in US $ it is possible to fill up the R a purse with rubles then to exchange rubles on US $ inside the system (i.e. to transfer money from the R-purse on Z). The detailed description of these operations - on http://www.webmoney.ru/rus/perevods.htm/

3. After receipt of money in your purse to order to itself all four Instructions (or all over again only one), by translation WebMoney from the purse in each of 4 purses of sellers of the sum 4.96 WMZ (0.8 % - the commission of the system for realization of remittance), for each Instruction. It IS IMPORTANT! If you fill up the purse exactly 20 $ and will transfer equally on 5 $ for Instructions 1-3 you have not enough money for translation for the Instruction *4!

* a purse, money are stored as standard units (WebMoney). At the rate 1WM = 1 rubles for R-a purse, 1WM = 1 US dollar for Z-a purse. *When will make the order, be convinced, that you have ordered all Instructions. They need to be kept at yourselves in the computer (and on a diskette, for reliability) that then you might sell copies. All these Instructions are really necessary for you. Further in you them will order. If you will not have not enough one of them, you can not satisfy orders. Now it is your goods, with the right of sale! Necessarily, specify in a field of "Note" of a window "Transfer of money "number of the Instruction and the E-mail the address.

Example of the message applied to remittance through WebMoney: " the Instruction *1; E-mail xxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx "

The table (purses of sellers of instructions):
The instruction * 1 - Z795455784064
The instruction * 2 - Z398746792148
The instruction * 3 - Z831800404118
The instruction * 4 - Z855678326445

Do not direct your questions and confirmations of payment with the help of the button "to answer the sender ", " to answer the chosen letter ", or "reply" on a box from which you have received the given letter - it simply will not be read, and address them ONLY as the message in system WebMoney.

4. In the Table remove a line appropriate to the Instruction * 4. Change numbers of Instructions 3 - on 4, 2 - on 3 and 1 - on 2, not changing purses in the appropriate lines of the Table. Add in the table (from above) a line 1 with the purse. Change mine WM the identifier for the in last substantial paragraph of the given letter. At last, replace my name with yours right at the beginning and the end of the letter. The letter for your dispatch is ready! Now you became the seller of the Instruction *1.

Do not change numbers of purses which are in the Table, any way, except for described in item point 4; differently will lose the most part of the incomes. When will understand, how it operates, to you at once it becomes clear, why it ceases to work, when something will change not on item 4 (whether in WebMoney easily it is possible to check up was made substitution). Do not do any changes in the INSTRUCTION!!!

Your financial contribution to the given enterprise is practically insignificant. Be not afraid, that to you will not send the Instruction is it would be silly on the part of sellers - predecessors in an information chain. They are terribly interested in the maximal success of the followers since their purses will appear in the letter delivered by you. Besides sellers of Instructions of nothing lose, sending them to you.

Having bought all 4 Instructions, you free-of-charge receive 2 programs of gathering of addresses completely necessary to you in the Internet and mass dispatch of identical letters. If you will buy them independently, they will cost for you, as a minimum, the same 20 US $, as all Instructions.

Find time, that you could make all correctly and not hurrying up, therefore
That it is a basis of your earnings in this project.

Always, when your purse promotes downwards under the list, you receive the order for the following Instruction, therefore may trace the progress, on what Instruction from you is ordered with people! Thus number of your buyers, and so and the income, grows in a geometrical progression! If still will wish to increase the income simply does new dispatch. So you will start all process all over again.

And now we shall simulate result of participation in this program. We shall assume, for example, that you want to begin with small amount, only to look as it operates. We admit, that you and all partners involved by you will send only 2.000 e-mails (each of you). Also we shall assume, that receive only 0, 5 % of orders. If use the good list of addresses that of 1 %. From 0,5 % of answers it only 10 orders for the Instruction *1. These ten persons has sent 20.000 programs, that at 0,5 % - already 100 orders for the Instruction *2. Each of these 100 have sent on 2.000 programs, and you have received 1.000 orders for the Instruction *3 and if each of these 1.000 will send 2.000 programs so at 0,5 % receive 10.000 orders for the Instruction *4. And it is 10.000 5 = 50.000 USD in a cash! Your final earnings in this case will be: 50+500+5.000+50.000 = 55.550 USD! Remember, that this assumption for 1990 persons. What will not want to participate, do not use this opportunity, and nothing happen! By the way, your financial contribution is minimal. You already have connection to the Internet, and e-mail - is free-of-charge!

Your task - to receive during two-three weeks of 20 orders for the Instruction *1, and during one month of 100 orders for the Instruction *2. If not have received - continue dispatch. Receive the designated amount of orders - may have a rest. The system works itself further. Your business to count money and ACCURATELY to send the ordered Instructions.

If after attentive perusal of the present letter you still had questions - write on WebMoney (consistently to click under "Menu", "Messages" "To send"), not overlooking to specify the E-mail for communication. Mine WM the identifier (especially to not learn it "feigning" remittance) - 257058211466. I necessarily shall answer.

I wish all the best! I wait for orders and questions!
Good luck,

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